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- Remote Desktop Software for Windows – AnyDesk


Securely and flexibly connect to devices from halfway across the world. Whether you want to manage multiple devices, maintain and monitor computers or control high-performance machines, AnyDesk allows you to access them stably, securely and across all platforms.

Discover how AnyDesk is your ideal partner for the Internet of Things. When accessing devices across platforms, security is always key. Remotely control any powerful machines from any device — even from mobile phones. Work on remote workstations or monitor confidential processes from anywhere. Manage and maintain machines from one central point. Access public devices securely in the background and maintain them in private.

Double protect access to the remote device. Use time-based number codes in addition to your Unattended Access password. If you need to maintain a public computer remotely, for example a screen in a shopping center, you can turn the screen black and work on it in private. Integrate AnyDesk with an MDM solution to manage and maintain large numbers of mobile devices from one central point. Integrate AnyDesk into software products you already use for process automation or data collection, and get one step closer to the interconnection of the IoT.

Accessing your workstation via password and remote controlling machines is what we call Unattended Access. However, connecting to co-workers and giving Remote Support while they are present at their computer or collaborating on projects together means someone is present on the remote device and interacting.

Therefore, it is called Interactive Access. IT employees can help their users by directly connecting to their devices and solve problems, employees can not only Work from Home but from anywhere in the world and still feel like they are sitting in front of their work PC. Our proprietary DeskRT video codec allows a refresh rate of 60 fps.

Therefore, remote connections with AnyDesk are seamless and stable, even at low bandwidths. AnyDesk is the ideal Remote Desktop Solution for areas with poor internet connectivity. Would you like to learn more about Remote Access Solutions? Our sales team can help you to ensure our solution meets your requirements. Flexible Remote Access Software Securely and flexibly connect to devices from halfway across the world.

Subscribe Now. Safe Remote Access for a variety of use cases. Secure Remote Access When accessing devices across platforms, security is always key. Flexible possibilities for IoT Remotely control any powerful machines from any device — even from mobile phones.

Simple and efficient remote maintenance Manage and maintain machines from one central point. Trusted by over , customers. Start Business Trial. Enjoy secure and fast Remote Access. Two-Factor Authentication Double protect access to the remote device. Privacy Mode If you need to maintain a public computer remotely, for example a screen in a shopping center, you can turn the screen black and work on it in private.

Every operating system, every device AnyDesk runs native clients on all major platforms. Raspberry Pi. Chrome OS.

Discover more. Blog: The workplace of the future Find out how to prepare your business for the digital future. Read More. Remote Access Software for fast and safe connections. Unattended vs. Interactive Access Accessing your workstation via password and remote controlling machines is what we call Unattended Access. Why is AnyDesk so fast? Let's talk Would you like to learn more about Remote Access Solutions? Contact Us. Contact sales support. Sign up for news, tips and more Enter your email address.



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